How to get rid of bed bugs permanently


Experts agree that bed bug infestations are difficult to control and that there is no treatment or disinfection technique that is effective for all cases. But even so, bed bugs can be controlled using a combination of techniques known as integrated pest management (IPM) - an approach that takes into account environmental care. In fact, some populations of bugs have developed a resistance to common pesticides, which is why some aerosol products have lost their effectiveness. Alternative treatments include the application of heat and steam. Bedding, clothing or electronic items should never be treated with pesticides,

Do it yourself

If you try to control a bedbug infestation on your own, choose bed bugs solution Toronto for that purpose.

Before using a pesticide, read the label. Never use an outdoor pesticide in an enclosed space. It can also make your home an unsafe place to live. Never spray pesticides on mattresses, sofas and other upholstered furniture, or in places where children or pets are present.

Do you want to use spray pumps or insect sprays? Many bugs are resistant to the pesticides used in these products. In addition, these products do not reach the cracks and crevices where the bugs live. So although experts agree that spray bombs or insect sprays can eliminate bed bugs, it definitely should not be the only control method that you use.

Recommendations for hiring a professional

If you prefer to hire an expert to do the work:

  • Make sure it really is a bedbug infestation and not some other pest.
  • Hire the services of a professional with experience in bed bug control. Controlling bed bugs is not the same as controlling other pests.
  • Beware of exterminators who appear without anyone calling and who offer you a free inspection. They can use scare tactics to pressure you into authorizing them to do immediate and expensive treatments.
  • Ask for recommendations from friends and neighbors who already hired pest control companies that managed to exterminate the bedbugs and ask them if they were satisfied with the service. You can do it online through a community bulletin or a list of emails from your neighborhood.
  • Ask for quotes from several companies. Ask what training they have and what type of treatment they use to control bed bugs.
  • Be careful in choosing a company based solely on the price it charges you. Quality control.
  • Before signing a contract, get the details about the extent of the infestation, the proposed work plan and the number of visits needed and planned to solve the problem. A reputable company will inspect your property before quoting a price or before starting to apply a pesticide. The company should also provide you with a written report of the inspection, and a plan to prepare for the treatment and to prevent future infestations.
  • If you are given a written "guarantee," look for what is covered, how long it lasts, what you must do to keep it current, and what is required to monitor, prevent and control the situation on an ongoing basis.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs While Shifting Your House



 Bed bugs are nasty insects that seem to follow you wherever you go. Owing to the tiny size and hiding habits of these bugs, they can creep into any space and go undetected from an incredibly long period. Unfortunately, if you think moving to a new house will get rid of these bugs, you are highly mistaken. Bed bugs and their eggs can hide in clothing, furniture and even luggage bags. When shifting your house, you will simply be taking these critters along with you! With effective bed bug pest control Toronto homes can learn how to move without transporting or leaving bed bugs behind.

The Following Tips Will Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs to Your New Home

Wash Clothing at High Temperatures

Before any goods are packed, it needs to be washed at a high temperature and dried on a warm setting in a dryer or in direct sunlight on a hot day. Bed bugs cannot withstand high temperatures. Cleaning methods from hot water to steam are effective ways of eliminating these insects at all stages of the life cycle. Bedding from your duvet cover and pillow cases to your linens and even your clothing should all be soaked and washed at high temperatures. Only once dried, pack these items directly into clean boxes and keep away from areas that are potentially infested.

Treat Your Mattress

If you are not going to toss your mattress and bed base out, then it will need a thorough treatment. The mattress is the primary hiding spot for bed bugs. They get into the folds, hide out under the bed and come out at night leaving you with nasty, itchy bites. Give your mattress the professional treatment with a powerful vacuum and a steam clean. A vacuum helps dislodge any eggs and stubborn bugs while steam cleans will destroy insects and eggs at once. Every area of the mattress must be treated. A steam application with a flat head for the main mattress surfaces and nozzle to get into the creases will produce the best results.

Once your mattress is treated, place it in a protective mattress case. This ensures these bugs do notre-infest the bed or move with you.

Toss Bed Bug Infested Items the Correct Way

Do not risk someone else suffering from an unwanted bed bug infestation. Instead, invest in the correct measures of control. Every furniture item and piece of clothing should be securely wrapped in plastic. Add labels to each plastic wrap with bed bugs clearly indicated on the exterior. This will prevent it from being snatched up by someone and causing additional infestations.

Call on Your Bed Bug Professionals

With the assistance of professional bed bug pest control Toronto homes and businesses can eliminate bed bugs. Preventative methods are provided for your new home to avoid a second or third bed bug problem. Move with confidence and protect your old and new property from the vicious bed bug cycle. With alternative methods including steam cleans and green solutions, eradicate bed bugs once and for all.